Programs for Businesses

We will provide an overview of the program for companies.

FOR ME NY will help you "live your life to the fullest" in the global society.

FOR ME NY will help you "live your life to the fullest" in the global society.

Be yourself

Six basic courses

Based on six courses utilizing the expressive arts, we will further customize the program to meet your needs.


It enhances the confidence to recognize oneself and “can do” with respect to one’s goals and potential, which is most necessary to maximize one’s abilities in the changing times and society.


To create a basic foundation for globalization where diversity is valued, students will improve their ability to learn, accept and express themselves and others.


It improves the ability to think outside the box of one’s own values, to be creatively disruptive, and to implement innovations in collaboration with others.


We will improve your ability to shape your own future, improvise your English, and develop your international leadership skills in order to survive in the global society of the future.


It improves mutual trust, the ability to work collaboratively as a team, and the ability to bring out the best in each individual’s performance.


We invite a certified music therapist from the U.S. to provide mental care through active music therapy, which has not yet been widely adopted in Japan.

Usefulness in business situations

Problem-solving ability
Creative Power
Sales ability
Presentation skills
Team building

The usefulness of improv has been studied by business schools such as Harvard and MIT, and has been widely covered by the Times and Forbes.

Global companies such as Google, Microsoft, Starbucks, and American Express are using improv workshops to develop their human resources.

Example of Program Implementation

Here are some of the programs we have conducted for companies.


Board member of a Zaikyo-based radio station

< Contents >

The client wanted to improve teamwork among board members, so we set the following two objectives for the program

1. Establish psychological safety
2. Building mutual trust

The following activities were conducted to meet the objectives.

(1) Icebreaking activity: NAME GAME
(2) Eye contact: KNIFE PASSING
(3) Creating an environment without fear of failure: 1-2-3-Wohoo
(4) Acceptance, innovative thinking: YES, AND, professional press conference
(5)Building trust: MIRROING

< To experience >

(1) Icebreaking Activity
An activity using mirroring to relieve tension and introduce oneself.

(2) Eye contact
Making eye contact increases oxytocin (an affection hormone), relieves tension, and creates a sense of trust and security.

(3) Creating an environment where people do not fear failure
Movement has a great deal to do with feelings. In the activity, each time you make a mistake, you rejoice with a “Wo-ho” and open your body by raising your hands, which leads to self-confidence and lowers stress levels.
Sharing failures without blaming each other is very effective for team building.

(4) Acceptance, innovative thinking
Instead of denying, try to accept once, and then experience to put your own ideas on it and return it to the other person. This will satisfy the need for approval and lead to building trust.

(5) Building trusting relationships
Dance with mirroring. By imitating the other person’s movements, trust is fostered beyond words and a connection of the heart is made.

< To experience >

(1) Icebreaking Activity
An activity using mirroring to relieve tension and introduce oneself.

(2) Eye contact
Making eye contact increases oxytocin (an affection hormone), relieves tension, and creates a sense of trust and security.

(3) Creating an environment where people do not fear failure
Movement has a great deal to do with feelings. In the activity, each time you make a mistake, you rejoice with a “Wo-ho” and open your body by raising your hands, which leads to self-confidence and lowers stress levels.
Sharing failures without blaming each other is very effective for team building.

(4) Acceptance, innovative thinking
Instead of denying, try to accept once, and then experience to put your own ideas on it and return it to the other person. This will satisfy the need for approval and lead to building trust.

(5) Building trusting relationships
Dance with mirroring. By imitating the other person’s movements, trust is fostered beyond words and a connection of the heart is made.

Participant's Voice

By engaging the brain while moving the body and using the voice to express oneself, the participants were able to use their entire body to learn and put it into their body experience.

The SWOT analysis we are going to do is going to be done in a roundabout way.

We were able to see a different side of our employees.

Corporate Customers

Creek & River, Inc.

Dot Dialogue, Inc.


Nippon Life Insurance Company

TBS Radio Inc.

TOKEN Corporation

alphabetical order

Please see for reference

Please take a look at this page for more specific information.
